Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Compass of Differentiation

Courtney, one of my classmates, posted something on her blog that really stood out to me. She posted about the idea of differentiation being like a compass. Here is the link to her blog so you can read it for yourself if interested.

I love the idea of the compass. It helped me to clearly the concept of differentiation more clearly. It reminds of Hallmark #7 Proactive thinking and planning for different pathways, and how we talked about the need to have a "roadmap" of where the student is now and where you want them to end up at the end of the year. That way if they have to take a detour with the student you know how to help them get back on track to head towards their ending desination. I just think the idea of using the compass of differentiation goes along with this really well!

Image from: http://futuredesignstudio.myupsite.com/files/2011/06/Roadmap-with-compass-300x200.jpg

1 comment:

  1. Great insights! And I love how your insights added on to Courtney's! 5 pts.
