Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Differentiation Resources

Pinterest: Pinterest has a whole board that offers countless ideas for differentiation. It has different forms of differentiation to fit the needs of your students, classroom, and curriculum.

Pinterest: This Pinterest board focuses mainly on how to differentiate your teaching instruction. This board is fun and has a lot of activities that would be engaging for students.

Edutopia: This website offers some simple but powerful ideas. They have things you can do in as little as five minutes to help differentiate your classroom.

Teacher's Survival Guide: This is an online book that is great for clearing up confusion and offer great ideas. It talks about how you might need an alternate alternate activity for some students. Some students might need more differentiation than others. What works for some students wont work for all of them.

Scholastic: This site offers four proven strategies for differentiation.

I was surprised by how many websites and resources there are out there to help with differentiation. I am very excited to use these websites and to continue to discover more. I have already discovered quite a few ideas and activities that I plan to try in my own classroom off of the Pinterest board. Now I really understand why they say you need to know and understand your students first. There are so many ways to differentiate, so if you didn't know who you were differentiating for, you would be completely lost. Great resources!!!

1 comment:

  1. It's a great idea to keep track of the great resources you find. I will caution you, though, that if you don't learn the rest of what Tomlinson can teach you about true differentiation, and turn, instead, to ideas that folks have posted because they've helped them, it will be sort of like turning down the freshest, best tastine and purest water for a glass of processed water with flavoring and addetives that you may or may not need. Definitely keep track of the ideas... but be sure you have enough information yourself to be able to judge the best ones for yourself. 5 pts.
