Monday, February 10, 2014

You are teaching individuals

We need to remember that we are not teaching to a whole class; we are teaching to INDIVIDUALS. Taking the time to get to know your students PERSONALLY will be critical and beneficial for creating classroom COMMUNITY. By truly LISTENING, CARING, and taking the time to UNDERSTAND your students it will create a SAFE zone where students can thrive in their learning abilities. TRUST, RESPECT, and FRIENDSHIP with come naturally between the teacher and students and between the students and their peers when time is taken to treat  everyone as an individual and get to personally know them. 

I agree with this 100%. I can think back to my own personal experiences when I had teachers who took the time to get to know me individually rather than just viewing me as "a group". I felt valued and it helped me build my confidence and be more outgoing.
I think this can also be applied when interacting with our student's parents. We should take time to know them individually also. A parent can be a teachers best friend, or worst nightmare, so why not take the time to show them that you care and build a relationship with them as well. It probably will take a little more time, but I think it will be extremely beneficial in the long run. 

1 comment:

  1. The content of this blog is good... it's just not very comprehensive of the learning available in that chapter. It does connect to the chapter, but it doesn't explain the kinds of answers and responses to the issue you have that are available in the chapter. You might want to check on some of the other blogs to see the length and depth of posts that are receiving 5 points every time. 4 pts.
